How to Create a Compiler with Rust and ZKP

How to Create a Compiler with Rust and ZKP

Building Trustworthy Compilers: A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Compiler with Rust and Zero-Knowledge Proofs

  1. Install the latest version of the Rust programming language on your system.

  2. Create a new project in Rust using the cargo new command, giving it a name of your choice.

  3. Add the dependencies for the ZKP library to your Cargo.toml file.

  4. In your project's main file, import the ZKP library and create a new ZKP compiler instance using the zkp::Compiler::new() method.

  5. Define the input and output types for your compiler using the zkp::Compiler::inputs and zkp::Compiler::outputs methods.

  6. Write the Rust code for your compiler, including any necessary logic for handling the input and generating the output.

  7. Use the zkp::Compiler::compile method to compile your code into a ZKP program.

  8. Test your compiler using the zkp::Compiler::verify method, passing in the appropriate inputs and expected outputs.

  9. If the verification succeeds, your compiler is ready to be used in a ZKP application.

In addition to the steps outlined above:

  1. Define the specific zero-knowledge proof protocol that your compiler will use, such as Schnorr or Groth16.

  2. Use the appropriate methods from the ZKP library to define the proving and verifying keys for your compiler.

  3. In your compiler code, include logic for generating the proof using the proving key and verifying the proof using the verifying key.

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